
To Be or Not To Be...Prepared

This morning after I did my devotional, I decided I wanted to spend a little bit more time in the word and headed for 1 Peter. No reason really, I've just been seeing some great verses from that chapter lately on different websites and wanted to start from the beginning and read my way through it. I knew one minute into reading it that I had stumbled upon a golden nugget of wise words. When I got to chapter 3, a verse I've read and heard before and know all too well, caught my attention. I paused and relished over the words for a few moments. "...Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" verse 15. Not sure why I really lingered on that one this morning the way I did. The entire chapter was filled to the brim with wisdom but I couldn't get my attention away from this verse. I thought to myself..."Ugh, I'm horrible at memorization. All the verses I've tried to memorize in the last couple months have already slipped out of my mind. If I had to give a verse I just don't think I could." So I compromised...bad girl..."If anyone asks me I'll just tell them why I think the way I do from the experiences I've had that have led me to where I am today" and felt that was good enough.

"Not so fast little one", is what I'm sure He was saying to me.

So I put up my things, do the dishes, piddle around the house a bit and head for the local gym. Yes, can you believe it? I went to the gym. Can't tell you the last time I went, which really kind of adds to the dynamic of the story if you ask me. I went and walk/ran for about 30 min and on my way out the door to go back home I noticed some candles and a marker on the desk. "What is this?" I ask the girl sitting in boredom behind the desk (we were the only ones there). Then she begins to tell me about someone who works up there with her who just found out they have stage four cancer...ouch. That's serious. For those of you who are not familiar with it, that's the last stage. My heart sank immediately and I asked all about her friend. She said they were selling the candles for a donation and were going to display them across the work out stage next week when their friend shows up to do a class. I thought that was such a lovely idea and wanted to contribute. So I tell her thank you and wish them the best after making my donation and start to head out. Then she stops me and says "Here! Decorate your candle with this marker" and smiles at me. That kind of caught me off guard, I'm not super creative especially on a whim. Hmmmm, so I thought I'd send this person some words of encouragement through scripture. I sat down and racked my brain and wished I had something to share. I had nothing, horrible feeling...fail. I searched in my iphone and finally about 20 min later found something I felt stood out the most.

I felt a little disappointed that I couldn't think of anything like that. Even just a verse about His love. Good one Kat!

Although I was not asked to give any reasons to share why I believe the way I do, I felt like this opportunity and situation fit the bill. Really, I feel like I should've been able to share something on this person's candle just to give them some hope and encouragement. I'm not being too hard on myself today because lots of people have issues with memorization. I feel like this happened today to prove to me and remind me that I can't just give an excuse for what my Father wants and expects from His daughter. I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm an adult now, no more excuses. And to think, I was just making them this morning-->shaking my head. I'm grateful to have been shown this though. The written word is right, I know I would've felt so wonderful if I'd been able to share a favorite inspirational verse! As the minutes ticked on though searching for a fitting verse, I was reminded more and more of what I read this morning & how I responded. Lesson learned, I feel humbled and want nothing more than to be obedient from now on. I'm not going to do what I feel comfortable doing but what is expected of me :D

*I just wanted to add also, how wonderful would it be to encourage this person who is suffering this horrible illness and flood that stage with candles. If you're interested in adding a candle with encouragement or scripture I'd be more than willing to help with that! They were only $3 a candle and the event will take place very soon on Oct. 5th (next Wed.!) Message me on my fb page or leave a comment if you're interested and we can help make it happen!

"...love one another as I have loved you" John 15:12

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